From Translation

Entroido, Galicia’s Carnival

It’s time for of the “peliqueiros”, “cigarróns”, “pantallas”, and other typical characters of a deeply-rooted tradition to take over authority in Galicia.

A Truthful Account of the Reality of Galicia, Part I

Forty years ago today, in 1975, Francisco Franco died in Madrid. On July 18, 1936, he led a military uprising that ruled Spain for forty years. Galician artist Maruxa Mallo fled the country shortly after the uprising, and in 1938 she wrote a four-part series based on first-hand accounts by Galicians of the brutality of the military coup. Here is the first part, translated to English.

Reasons to Love Galicia Above All Else

GALICIA IS AN EMIGRANT NATION, always coming and going. But just like its visitors, Galicians always come back. There are elements that tug at the homesick heartstrings of any Galician expatriate, like rain.

Is there any truth in Galician clichés?

GALICIANS are said to be an indecisive people that never know if they are going up a staircase or down and that they always answer with a question or an “it depends”. The clichés about the idiosyncrasies of the people of this autonomous community are numerous and varied.