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The Werewolf of Vilarello de Donís

from Galicia Encantada, edition by Antonio Reigosa. Story collected by José María Carricoba Armesto Translated from Galician by Seth Brooks Long ago it was common to keep servants in one’s home to assist with daily chores and labor.

Trevinca, in pictures

The Trevinca area includes not only the highest peak in Galicia but also the most glacial lakes on the Iberian peninsula outside of the Pyrenees.

O Teixadal de Casaio, in pictures

O Teixadal de Casaio is the second largest and most western yew forest in Europe. It is nestled in a valley in the Serra do Eixe, with Pena Surbia rising behind it. The highest mountain in Galicia, Pena Trevinca, is nearby.

Never Again: The Prestige Oil Spill

Sixteen years ago today, an event occurred off the shores of Galicia that hopefully will happen never again. In fact, the event spurred a grassroots movement called Nunca Máis (Never Again). That event was the environmental catastrophe of the Prestige oil spill.